
Welcome to Honey & Hazelnut — this blog is dedicated to growth & adventure. I’m a 26-year-old Christ-follower, wife, and goldendoodle mama and I’m SO happy you’re here! < Read on.

30 Favorite Memories With My NOW 30-Year-Old Hubby!

30 Favorite Memories With My NOW 30-Year-Old Hubby!

My husband just turned 30 on Thursday!! (I’m 100% more excited about it than he is).

The last few days I’ve been thinking how we’re no longer in our twenties together. A part of me is sad to see that season end. I met Paul when I was 21 and he was 25… and I loved who we were then: heavy weight-lifting, coffee bean-slinging, impulsive twenty-somethings. But as much as I miss the first phase of our relationship: dating, falling in love, getting engaged, and being fresh newlyweds… I love this phase we’re in now so much more. It’s a phase of growing together, diving into fears and insecurities, setting ourselves up for the future, building up a solid and supportive community around us, and tackling issues head on as a team.

But to cherish and honor the last five years, I want to share 30 of my absolute favorite, treasured memories with him. I had the best time putting these together and I hope you’ll enjoy a quick snapshot into our story!

Memory 1: Tall, dark, and handsome (church boy??)

February 2017

The first time I laid eyes on Paul was outside of my favorite drive thru coffee shop in Carson City. It was a cold day and I couldn’t get over how tall, dark, and mysterious he looked while taking my order.

For weeks, I tried to run into him again at that drive thru coffee shop. No luck. I told my friends about him, my sisters about him… everyone knew about cute coffee shop boy. But try as I might, I couldn’t find him again. I thought that was God telling me: “nope! not this one” so I attempted to move on.

The very next month, while attempting to move on, I was at church with my family. I was walking out after the service had finished and froze when I saw the person walking directly opposite to me. I immediately started whispering to my sister: “that’s… that’s him!! coffee shop boy!” Now my cute coffee shop boy was cute coffee shop church boy and I absolutely couldn’t handle that.

Memory 2: “Great things are happening”

May 2017

We started talking back and forth during March and April and we made things official in May. One of our first dates as boyfriend and girlfriend was walking to the top of Cave Rock, overlooking Lake Tahoe. It was so gorgeous. Paul was running from the bees on the way up (he’s allergic), and when we got to the top we decided to take our first picture together.

He posted that picture with the caption “Great things are happening :)” And it still gives me butterflies thinking about how new and exciting the relationship felt.

Memory 3: Powered paragliding for his 26th birthday

November 2017

I love crossing off bucket list items on birthdays… I just think starting a new year by having a new experience is such a perfect way to celebrate life and growing older. So for Paul’s 26th I took him powered hang gliding. He said it felt like “riding a motorcycle in the sky,” and I couldn’t agree more! It was such a unique and breathtaking experience.

Memory 4: Santa Barbara weekend (NOT a vino…)

February 2018

Months later we were getting more serious, so I brought him to my college town in Santa Barbara, California. We toured Westmont’s campus, I showed him the restaurant I used to work at, and introduced him to my best friends, Christina and Alyssa. Poor guy was such a good sport when all the girls suggested going wine tasting nearby (he’s not really a fan). But he inspected the “legs" and tasted the tannins with the rest of us! I loved seeing him in a place that meant so much to me.

Memory 5: Taking a helicopter ride over Hawaii

April 2018

A few weeks after our one year dating anniversary, Paul and I went on vacation with my family to Kona, Hawaii. One of the activities we booked was taking a helicopter ride above the island… and sheesh, we were NOT disappointed. I felt like I was on a date from The Bachelor (just with my parents and siblings also along for the ride).

Memory 6: Last night dating (before we got engaged!)

April 2018

Our vacation to the big island of Hawaii was such a dreamy and special one. I had a huge hunch that he was going to propose on the trip, but each day that came and went with no proposal made me more and more antsy.

(Spoiler alert), he did propose on that trip, and the night before he was going to, my entire family went to a traditional Hawaiian luau. The food was incredible, the music and the island breeze was so calming, and I remember feeling so completely content and carefree. I didn’t know it then… but it was the last night of our dating season. It’s one of those memories that feels rare and permanently frozen in time.

Memory 7: Getting engaged in Kona, Hawaii!

April 2018

The day after the luau, my family started the day by going to the beach. We had a sunset sail scheduled for later that day, so I figured Paul might propose then (if he was going to). I put no make up on and my hair was fully embracing the humidity.

After getting to the beach, Paul walked me down a ways to take some photos of us with my sister as the photographer. Naturally, I thought that was strange, because I’m always the one asking for photos. I suspected what he was going to do and became incredibly awkward… (practically running down the beach in excitement).

After taking a few pictures, he kneeled along the water’s edge and it truly was all a blur after that. I remember there being “I love you’s” and a “yes” but it was such an out-of-body experience I couldn’t tell you what either one of us said. There’s actually a quote that says: “they will forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel,” and that was 100% true that day. I will never forget the sheer bliss and happiness that I felt on April 28th, 2018.

Memory 8: Our stubborn hike up Mt. Tallac

July 2018

In an effort to give me an unforgettable birthday experience, Paul planned a “surprise hike” up Mt. Tallac. Now… Paul is not a planner. He’s a go-with-the-flow, take action NOW kind of person — so I loved that he wanted to make my 23rd special.

Thing is, we were not prepared (in fitness level or in equipment) to hike Mt. Tallac. One does not usually hike Mt. Tallac on a “whim", they do so with copious amounts of preparation. But once we got there, even after seeing that it was too far and we didn’t have enough provisions (food/water/proper shoes/etc), our stubbornness wouldn’t let us turn around. We just kept going and going and going. We were GOING to reach the top.

Needless to say, we did, and the day ended with us eating cherries from strangers for hydration, Paul drinking water from a mountain stream, and me crying through bruised feet. It certainly was unforgettable (and thankfully, we can laugh about it now!)

Memory 9: Getting our marriage license

September 2018

The day we got our marriage license (and the whole wedding planning season in general), went so smoothly. I think that’s how you know you’ve found the one: when even doing paperwork sounds less terrible. We were days away from being married and so ready to start doing life together — it’s a day I love looking back on.

Memory 10: Getting married!!

October 2018

Our wedding day was everything I dreamed it would be and more. When Paul said his vows, I was blown away. It was the first time I had ever seen him cry and when I thought I couldn’t love him anymore than I already did, my heart grew three sizes more!! This day will always hold such a special place in my heart.

Memory 11: The best meal in Naples, Italy

October 2018

Paul and I went on a Mediterranean cruise for our honeymoon. It was such a dreamy and special trip… I could probably fill up 30 favorite memories from those two weeks alone! One memory in particular that stands out is when we found a true hole-in-the-wall restaurant in Naples, Italy. We were actually in a small town called, Taormina, and we stumbled on this tiny restaurant overlooking the Mediterranean. The wine… the pizza… it was a meal where we savored every last bite and were so, so sad to leave. It was such a happy and delicious experience!

Memory 12: Listening to a floating orchestra inside a cave in Spain

October 2018

A few days later, we made our way from Italy to Spain. In Palma de Mallorca, we booked a tour that took us through some incredible natural caves. As we wondered deeper in, we came across a huge underground lake. On the lake (before getting in boats ourselves to float to the other side), we listened to a performance by a string orchestra. It was so mesmerizing to hear the melodies echo off the cave walls.

Memory 13: Jumping in St. Peter’s pool

November 2018

Another memory from the honeymoon was jumping in St. Peter’s pool in Malta. The water wasn’t treacherous, but it was moving just enough to make us nervous. But we walked over to the edge and made the leap into the deep blue Mediterranean together. Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m terrified of deep water, but being next to Paul in the ocean makes it feel far less intimidating (he’s much bigger than me, too, so I figure any sea creature will go after him first).

Memory 14 Sailing away from the south of France

November 2018

Toward the end of our honeymoon, we were sailing away from the south of France after a long day in Nice and Monaco. It was dusk and the water was incredibly calm. The lights along the coast came on one by one and glittered like a Christmas tree along the shore. The whole world was colored in baby pink and baby blue and we put on 40s music to sail away to. My heart was so full of good wine, great food, and the stunning sights we had seen that day and on the trip as a whole — it was a shared moment of perfect stillness. Every time I listen to Moonriver from Breakfast at Tiffany’s I’m transported back to that moment in time.

Memory 15: Our first Christmas tree

December 2018

After our honeymoon, we launched right into the holidays and I realized just how little Christmas decorations we actually had. My parents let us borrow their spare fake Christmas tree, but the ceilings in our town home were too short to put the whole thing up, so we left out the middle section. I remember the excitement of running to Target for our own ornaments for the first time and the realization that we would be building our own family Christmas traditions from scratch, starting that year.

Memory 16: Going to Disneyland for the first time together

January 2019

Both Paul and I are huge Disney people, so going to Disneyland for the first time as a couple was the stuff of dreams. He ate all the churros and I told him how much we NEED to go to Disney World (which is still TBD)… The trip was magical and way too fast.

Memory 17: Twenty one pilots concert in Austin, TX

June 2019

Paul and I went to our first concert together in Austin (pre-pandemic world, hallelujah), and really the whole trip is a favorite memory. We went out on Rainy St, had authentic Texas barbeque, saw a movie at The Almo Drafthouse (which we’re obsessed with), and toured the State Capital together. It was such a fun weekend.

Memory 18: Riding in a hot air balloon

July 2019

I booked a hot air balloon ride for my 24th birthday… but after waking up at 4am and driving all the way to South Lake Tahoe, we got a call that the flight was cancelled that day due to inclement weather. We still made the most of the sunrise and rescheduled the ride to two days after. Even with it being a few days late, I’m so glad we went; it was such a breathtaking experience. Apparently, it’s the only hot air balloon ride in the world that takes off and lands from a boat!

Memory 19: Perseverance through season changes

August 2019

This picture gives me chills because it was taken two months before some hard, unexpected news. We were unknowingly at one of the last Dutch Bros. “Coacha” events (which were cancelled for 2020 and 2021 following the pandemic… and possibly for good), and the quote on the mirror says: “to be too large for worry.” We would need that encouragement and many more as we entered into a hard life season full of sleepless nights, intense stress, and massive uncertainty. But I am so grateful and proud to say that we emerged from that season wiser and closer than before.

Memory 20: Traveling to Peru and seeing Machu Picchu

October 2019

A few months later we packed our bags and flew to South America! Machu Picchu was the second world wonder that was on our list and we were so, so excited to see it in person. I do a deep dive into our Peru trip on our Machu Picchu blog, so feel free to give that a read if you want some good recommendations for your own trip!

Memory 21: Hiking to the top of Machu Picchu mountain

October 2019

We spent a total of two days in Machu Picchu touring the ancient ruins and walking along winding jungle paths. On day two, we decided to brave the hike up Machu Picchu mountain and oh MY was that path steep. I have never seen so many long, narrow staircases in my life (nonetheless had to climb them). It was so steep in parts that we ended up crawling our way up the mountain. But man was it worth the climb! We ended up getting to the top before the rest of the crowd and it was all on our First Anniversary! What a way to remember it.

Memory 22: Seeing the Grand Canyon before shutdown

February 2020

A few months after our Machu Picchu trip we were getting eager for some more adventure. Paul got a new job and before his first day we thought we’d take the long drive to Arizona to see the Grand Canyon for the first time. We had no idea how spot on we were with the timing, because a few weeks later the country went into lock down. We were so grateful to fill our travel meter up before things went south.

Memory 23: Natural water slides at Lake Shasta

July 2020

The summer of 2020 we went on a camping trip to Lake Shasta and Paul took me to an incredibly beautiful waterfall a short hike from the lake’s edge. Most of the hike is actually going through the waterfall (which was wild in-of-itself), but once we made it to the top, we were able to slide down a small section of smooth rock into a icy clear pool. It was such a wild and fun time!

Memory 24: Hiking Angel’s Landing in Zion National Park

October 2020

For our second anniversary, Paul and I took a trip to Zion National Park. One of the major highlights of the trip was hiking Angel’s Landing. If you’ve never been, half the hike is incredibly steep, so a chain is available (and often necessary) for balance. It really does get your heart pounding! I would absolutely do it again because the sights are almost impossible to beat.

Memory 25: Seeing our 3rd World Wonder: Chichen Itza

November 2020

A month following our trip to Utah, we hopped on a plane to Mexico! We saw our third world wonder a few hours outside of Cancun and felt so incredibly blessed to be able to go at all in the year of ‘rona. I’ll never get over the feeling of looking at and touching something so ancient.

Memory 26: Snorkeling through cenotes in Mexico

November 2020

A few days after seeing Chichen Itza, Paul and I went snorkeling through the cenote “Dos Ojos.” A cenote is a sunken pit that exposes natural groundwater. It used to be the primary source of clean water for locals back in the day, and for that reason it was incredibly sacred for them. Because of how pure and clean the water is, snorkeling through them is a truly remarkable experience where you can see through limestone that goes deeper and deeper below you.

Memory 27: Popping our wedding champagne

December 2020

We had our bottle of wedding champagne sitting around for way too long. We meant to open it for our first anniversary, but we were in Peru. Then we saved it for our second anniversary, but we were in Utah. So at that point we decided we needed to open it whenever we were celebrating something new, no matter how big or how small. A couple months later, I had a job interview with Reno Media Group and was offered a position. So… POP the champagne! It was a quiet, Christmasy moment between the two of us and it signified a whole new life season for us both.

Memory 28: The day we picked out baby Kevin

June 2021

Paul and I had talked about getting a Goldendoodle puppy for two years before we actually got one. We were waiting for the perfect life timing, and June 2021 turned out to be that month! We went through a breeder in Yuba City, California and I remember how excited we were sitting outside their yard in our car waiting for our turn to pick out our little nugget. We were so giddy and nervous and praying that we would both like the same puppy.

And we did! Kevin became our first little fur baby and we love him so, so much.

Memory 29: Our first family move

October 2021

When Paul and I got married, he was already living in the town home that we would end up calling home for the first three years of marriage. We quickly grew out of that space (even after going through our things multiple times and minimizing)… so we were on the lookout for a three bedroom rental that we could call home for our next season. That opportunity actually popped out of thin air immediately next door! We moved into the much larger, roomier town home in October of this year and couldn’t be more happy with where we’re at.

Memory 30: Starting a new decade (and hitting a HUGE financial goal)

November 2021

And that brings us to Paul’s 30th Birthday!! With this new decade comes so many new milestones right around the bend. I love the life we’ve been building together and I feel so blessed by the love and support surrounding us.

Not to mention… we hit a huge financial goal this month!!! I will share those details soon, but for now I want to end on this: life is short. Take the picture, write down the memory, and catalog the date… you may not realize how special a life season is until it’s over and how meaningful a photo can be until you can only find one or two. Cherish each day as it comes… not where you want to be, but exactly where you are (I’m preaching to myself, mostly). One day you’ll wake up and be 30! Then 40, then 50, then 100 if you’re lucky. So keep track of the special moments in your life, because you’re the one writing your story.

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