
Welcome to Honey & Hazelnut — this blog is dedicated to growth & adventure. I’m a 26-year-old Christ-follower, wife, and goldendoodle mama and I’m SO happy you’re here! < Read on.

21 Things I'm Grateful for on Thanksgiving in 2021

21 Things I'm Grateful for on Thanksgiving in 2021

  1. Growing closer in my relationship with Jesus this year and the lessons he’s taught me on overcoming fear, trusting his timing, and building community.

  2. Having a husband who cheers me on, encourages me when I’m low, and works hard to help build a life with me.

  3. Adding Kevin to the family in June and all the joy, laughter, and light he’s brought into our lives.

  4. Starting a new job as an Account Executive at Reno Media Group in January and all the lessons it’s taught me in perseverance, optimism, and self-assurance.

  5. Having the grit to accomplish this year’s financial goals, even if it meant saying no to vacations and experiences for a season.

  6. Welcoming a new, healthy, adorable baby niece into the world in March!

  7. Moving into the town home next door to us — providing us with some much needed space and some much needed furniture updates!

  8. A clean bill of health this month (after dealing with a private health issue for most of the year).

  9. The sweet community and friendships we’ve gained through joining a couple’s small group at our local church.

  10. Opportunities to see Crater Lake National Park and The Redwoods this year — and the fact that such jaw-dropping sights are truly SO close to home.

  11. Grace through the loss of my Grandpa on Superbowl Sunday and my childhood dog, Tesco, on Father’s Day. There was so much peace even in the grief.

  12. Never lacking food or shelter this year — even though I may joke about being “hungry” or “frozen,” I have never experienced true hunger or true freezing temperatures, and I hope I never take that blessing for granted.

  13. A year of safe commutes to Reno (minus one speeding ticket… sorry mom…) and the podcasts I’ve been able to listen to along the way.

  14. Nights spent barbecuing with my family here in town and weekends spent visiting my husband’s family in Oregon. I’m grateful we’re so close to both sides of the family — physically and personally.

  15. Creative inspiration to write and make videos; I love having the memories to look back on and the joy of celebrating things in the moment.

  16. Discovering the series “The Chosen” this year and the ways it increased my faith and helped me understand the person of Jesus so much more.

  17. The relationships I’ve built through work this year, both with coworkers and with clients. I truly love my job and all the ways it’s challenged and grown me.

  18. Safety during the extremely long fire season this summer and the mini escapes we were able to take from the smoke pollution.

  19. Discovering a place in town where I can relax and detox on a regular basis (I would highly, highly recommend The Firm Cryo Spa’s detox lounge if you’re in the Carson area!)

  20. Local events I’ve been able to attend this year like the Candy Dance, Apple Hill, and Nevada Day parade — it’s so encouraging to see people gather again!

  21. And finally: the sense of purpose I’ve gained this year. It’s a rare and special thing to feel as though you’re actually living out your purpose, but I’ve had a perspective shift this year that’s made me realize that my purpose isn’t “out there somewhere in the future,” it’s right here, right now. I’m living out my purpose by following Christ and every time I obey his voice, I’m aligned with it: whether that means having a meaningful conversation, paying a compliment, attending an event, posting a testimony online, encouraging someone I know, practicing hospitality, practicing generosity, or making a big life decision… I’m in my purpose when I’m in him.

My Full Christian Testimony

My Full Christian Testimony

The BEST Pumpkin Pie Recipe for Thanksgiving

The BEST Pumpkin Pie Recipe for Thanksgiving