
Welcome to Honey & Hazelnut — this blog is dedicated to growth & adventure. I’m a 26-year-old Christ-follower, wife, and goldendoodle mama and I’m SO happy you’re here! < Read on.

My Top Five Core Values

My Top Five Core Values

How often do you outline, and refer back to, your values?

Last year I was bothered by the fact that my answer was: “well… I’m not sure what my values are.” I was listening to The Minimalists Podcast and they inspired me to use their Values Worksheet to reflect on my own values and narrow down a list of five from there (with some sub-values underneath each core point on the list).

Here’s what I came up with! I refer back to this list every now and again to check that I’m living in accordance with them. I think it’s such a good way to encourage authenticity and consistency for ourselves. My list is highly personal and I took into account my own unique Myers-Briggs personality (ENFP) and Enneagram number (7w8 sx).

These values are listed in order of personal importance to me — hopefully it gets your own brain juices flowing to make your own list! If you do, I’d love to hear about them: feel free to comment or reach out!

Love -- the need for communication, connection, quality time, & intimacy.

  • Faith. Am I loving God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength?

  • Selflessness. Am I loving my neighbor as myself?

  • Connection. Am I bonding personally with my friends and family?

Variety  -- the need for surprise, challenge, excitement, & adventure.

  • Adventure. Am I actively trying new things and checking off my bucket list?

  • Curiosity. Am I traveling to new places and experiencing new cultures?

  • Challenge. Am I courageously experimenting? 

Growth --  the need to expand capacity, capability, or understanding.

  • Persistence. Am I building new habits that lead to continual improvement?

  • Knowledge. Am I taking in new information and challenging my belief system? 

  • Adaptability. Am I using old strategies to solve new problems or am I adapting to the change?

Self-Expression -- the communication of my inner self to the outer world.

  • Creativity. Am I engaging in artistic mediums like writing, art, and music?

  • Authenticity. Am I staying true to my personality in every situation?

Celebration -- the process of observing and commemorating noteworthy milestones. 

  • Significance. Am I being recognized for my professional accomplishments and recognizing others?

  • Joy. Am I choosing happiness and focusing on what truly matters?

  • Gratitude. Am I reflecting on the past and nodding to the blessings of the present?

Review of "Redeeming Love" from a Christian's Perspective

Review of "Redeeming Love" from a Christian's Perspective

Prioritizing Rest in 2022, Focusing on These 7 Key Areas

Prioritizing Rest in 2022, Focusing on These 7 Key Areas