
Welcome to Honey & Hazelnut — this blog is dedicated to growth & adventure. I’m a 26-year-old Christ-follower, wife, and goldendoodle mama and I’m SO happy you’re here! < Read on.

My "Word of the Year" from 2012 to 2022!

My "Word of the Year" from 2012 to 2022!

As 2021 wraps up, instead of creating a New Years Resolution, I like to think and pray for a single word for the coming year. Something to focus on, live up to, and acknowledge as a significant theme.

I’ve done this for the past 10 years and it’s been incredible to see how it plays out!

Here’s a recap of the words I’ve created from 2012 to now, and the major life events that have taken place to fulfill each one.

2012 - Faith

2012 was the year I applied to Westmont College. It was a bit of a stretch to imagine myself there… but whenever I had any worry or fear, I heard the word “faith,” and I knew I was walking down the path meant for me.

2013 - Courage

In 2013, I moved away from home for the first time and started my first year in school. It took a lot of courage to live on my own and to face the obstacles that came with this massive life change.

2014 - Trust

In 2014, I experienced my first broken heart. I didn’t understand what was happening in my story, but I did know that someone greater than me was captain of the ship. Even in the moments of confusion, I knew that I could trust Jesus to guide and protect me.

2015 - Perseverance

2015 was a long hard year of singleness, studying, and working. Being a full time student and (nearly) a full time employee took every ounce of gas in my tank!

2016 - Experience

2016 was an incredibly full year. I studied abroad in Paris, traveled through Europe, and finished my last semester at Westmont College. It was a year of living life to the fullest!

2017 - Direction

My life took another big pivot in 2017. I moved back home, started two new jobs, and fell in love. I could’ve never imagined in January where my life would be in December —but I’m so grateful for the change in pace and direction.

2018 - Celebration

2018 was a huge year in my story. Paul and I got engaged in April and we were married in October! This year was full of so much joy — truly one of the happiest.

2019 - Release

In 2019, Paul and I were placed in a position of forced transition. We had to re-evaluate goals, priorities, dreams and visions. Traveling to Peru was a huge detox for us both and we came back knowing that it was time to release certain things from our life so that we could embrace others.

2020 - Favor

In 2020, we decided to start paying off debt in March (coincidentally at the start of lock downs). And I was blown away that in a time of uncertainty and general hardship, that we were in a place of financial peace and blessing. It was definitely a year of favor!

2021 - Ignite

This past year I started a new job at Reno Media Group, we added our Goldendoodle, Kevin, to the family, and we set fire to the remainder of our debt! I’m so grateful for the blessings of this year… the lessons I’ve learned and the passions that have been ignited in the last 12 months.

This all brings us to… 2022!! I’ve been praying for a word for 2022 and it quickly came to me. I can’t wait to see how it will be fulfilled in the coming months.

2022 - Sustain

1 : to give support or relief to. 2 : to supply with sustenance : nourish. 3 : keep up, prolong. 4 : to support the weight of : prop also : to carry or withstand (a weight or pressure) 5 : to buoy up sustained by hope.

“I am he who will sustain you.” Isaiah 46:4

“Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” Psalm 55:22

“Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” Psalm 51:12

Scripture paints such a beautiful picture that it’s not our job to sustain ourselves, but it is God who sustains us. I can’t tell you the amount of peace that washed over me when I read those verses from Isaiah and Psalms. “Sustain” is my word for 2022 not because it’s an instruction, but because it’s a promise. A promise that no matter what happens, He will sustain me.

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